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Following the recent controversy on delayed ambulance response times in the Drogheda/Dundalk region, Sinn Fein Leader, Gerry Adams T.D. requested a meeting with NASRA to discuss this and wider issues facing the national ambulance service.

NASRA National Secretary, Tony Gregg met with Deputy Adams in the Dail last week to brief him on current issues facing the service and front line paramedics.

Mr Adams is to raise a number of these issues with the Health Minister in the coming weeks. NASRA hopes to meet with other Opposition parties in the run up to the General Election.

Watch NASRA Chairman , MIchael Dixon on the RTE Six One News addressing the issue of cutbacks in the ambulance service.

His comments come in the wake of the death of father of two in Co Louth amid claims that it took 40 minutes for an ambulance to reach him.

Click HERE to see the RTE Report.

NASRA representatives took part in RTE's Claire Byrne LIve show on Monday which dealt with the issue of drink driving and its consequences.

Click HERE or on the link below to view the programme.