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Article from The Star Tuesday 16th August 2011

Harsh Government deductions are forcing paramedics into a poverty trap where they rely on welfare payments and charity to survive-a top union official says.A payslip provided by one paramedic to The Star showed how after working a 50 hour week he took home just 466 euro-or less than 10euro an hour. The payslip reveals how the Government took a massive 750 euro from the mans gross wages of 1215 euro in tax,superannuation,pension levy,universal social charge and PRSI deductions. The father of four,who asked not to be named,said "I'm 3500 euro behind on my mortgage,the ESB are talking about cutting off our electricity."

Sean Donnellan of the National Ambulance Service Representative Association said the deductions meant young paramedics now had to apply for Family Income Support or go to charities "just to keep food on the table".