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Operation Transformation is launching a new 12 month campaign in January called Ireland's Million Pound Challenge.

OT's Ireland's Million Pound Challenge is attempting to inspire the Irish nation to lose 1 million pound in 1 year thus helping to reverse current trends and statistics.

When it comes to the groups the idea is that they can register online and they will be able to track their contribution to the million pounds.

Mick Cornett Mayor of Oklahoma City is going to officially launch the campaign. In 2007 as a result of hearing that his city was one of the fattest in the US he decided to take action and put the entire city on a diet.The town's citizens reached the million pound mark in January 2012, four years after they had started their challenge.

The challenge to the Irish nation is launched in show 1 TX Wednesday 6th January 2016 :

  • The Oklahoma story is to inspire Ireland to lose 1 million pound in 1 year. This will also outline the challenges as well as the positives and how they were overcome or achieved.

  • We are talking to Minister for Health Leo Varadkar about getting involved in this initiative and the launch.

  • Dr. Donal O'Shea has offered his support and is working out the benefits in terms of health and economics that this campaign will have for the country.

  • This is an all-Ireland endeavour aimed at improving the overall health of the nation.

  • Throughout the series people will register their weight loss on our website. We will also be doing group weigh-ins throughout the country meeting people who are taking part in the challenge.

  • Regular catch-ups and reminders to keep driving the people to get involved and help Ireland become 1 million pound lighter.

  • Inspirational stories will come from the biggest losers and also those who have overcome adversity to partake in the Million Pound Challenge.

We already have a number of large organisations involved and we would love if you would consider taking part. We would be hoping to film one group pre christmas depending on the number involved and the rest will be done over January and February. We would also be on the lookout for any characters within the group they may have their own weight loss story to tell us or just want to talk to us about the group. It would be great if you could let us know your interest as soon as possible and we can keep you updated on our schedule.